
Video interpreting: the most effective type of remote interpreting

An innovative way to break down language barriers: Video interpreting

During an important international business meeting, interpreters are often the friendly faces that keep us calm: they are the ones who understand our language, our culture and our business, and we fully rely on them to pass on our message. But do we always need to have them physically next to us? The answer is no. Video interpreting is the most effective type of remote interpreting, the one that combines all the pros of remote interpreting with those of face-to-face interpreting. The friendly faces that make us feel confident about our message are still there, and so is the quality of their service. By watching us through the camera, interpreters can grasp all the nuances expressed by our body language and facial expression and can convey the message to our interlocutors exactly the way we mean it.

But why should any business person decide to opt for video interpreting instead of face-to-face interpreting? Because of one of the simplest rules that is common to any business: cutting costs! Video interpretation services can cost up to 50% less than any on-site interpreting service. Customers are not required to pay for the travel and accommodation of the interpreters, nor for the rental of the interpretation equipment and the related installation.

Save money and save time with video interpreting!

Not to mention how much quicker this type of highly effective remote interpreting can be arranged! It is almost impossible to arrange a last-minute meeting with that potential international partner that happens to be in town just today, if we do not have an interpreter ready to join us in the meeting. Think how frustrating it can be, if an opportunity is missed because we cannot quickly overcome the language barrier between us and the potential partner. This is no longer an issue with Rafiky and its remote interpreting services. Interpreters based anywhere can be reached in few seconds through the video interpreting platform and can immediately help us close that unexpected deal! You could even find an interpreter from the exact same region and with exactly the same accent of your interlocutor, and make him or her feel at home even from your meeting room.

It couldn’t be easier!

But how does video interpreting work? Nothing could be easier. A laptop with a camera or even a smartphone is enough to connect the interpreter with everyone in the meeting room. If you opt for consecutive interpretation, that would be just it.
If you choose simultaneous interpretation, everyone in the meeting can simply connect to the remote interpreting platform through an app on their smartphones and listen to the interpreter.

What if there are glitches or bugs? The Rafiky remote interpreting platform is reliable and free from bugs and glitches. Users do not experience any more problems than the ones that can occasionally occur with the receivers or headphones used in meetings with face-to-face interpreting. Do not worry, the video interpreting by Rafiky will not let you down!

Contact Rafiky and try video interpreting now!

How it works – Video